viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

Diario de un interino en paro (XLIII)

Hay curiosidades, que no casualidades, que las casualidades no existen, que te hacen recordar momento y jodiendas con vistas a la bahía. No estaba viendo la bahía, estaba escuchando a Julio Ruiz y de pronto empieza a sonar esto y ya no hay vuelta atrás. Pero para esto no hacía falta el desempleo, digo yo. Y todo lo demás. Any minute you will feel The chemistry Vibrations in the brain Can't ever be explained Slip away and out of sight Feel the magnet of a night The circus lights you see Is where you have to be If I've seen it all before Why's this bus taking me back again If I don't need anymore Why's this bus taking me back again Feel the weight of letting go Feel more lightness than you've ever known You can't see when light`s so strong You can't see when light is gone If I've seen it all before Why's this bus taking me back again If I don't need anymore Why's this bus taking me back again

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